What was that K-6 pin Oppenheimer wore?

That is me, next to my organic chemistry professor Jennie Mayer on Halloween.
I dressed up as Oppenheimer, while professor Mayer dressed up as Mary Poppins. I had my tweed suit, brown tie, and the K-6 pin from the movie Oppenheimer. To top it off, I wore a brown pork pie hat, just like the real Oppenheimer did. Many loved my costume, but I stumbled across a common question all the time: what does the K-6 on my pin mean?
I had not actually thought about it: what DOES the K-6 on my pin mean? Some joked around and said it meant kindergarten to sixth grade, and that my costume was just a fancily dressed elementary school teacher. However, with the question stuck in my mind, I got to researching the K-6 pin.
Through my research, I have found that the K-6 pin was the identification number given to the real Oppenheimer when he worked at the secret Los Alamos Laboratory. Below is an actual image of Oppenheimer with this identification.
The fact that the movie Oppenheimer included the K-6 pin has grown my appreciation for the movie. To the custom-made silver New Mexico belt buckle, wide brown tie, and light brown pork pie hat, Oppenheimer has definetly done its research.
With a perfect main character, a perfect movie naturally follows ...
... and inspires.
Happy Halloween!