Category chemistry

The Chemistry of Hand Warmers

Hello everybody! I have been busy this winter having the opportunity to participate in many chemical experiments and other experiences, but now I’m back!

US National Chemistry Olympiad

Passionate about chemistry, I have participated in a prestigious science competition known as the USNCO. In this post, I will provide key information on how to crack the USNCO. Hope...

From Alchemy to Chemistry

Alchemy was chemistry in its infancy.

Chemistry of Colors

“Colors are the smiles of Nature.” - Leigh Hunt

Chemistry one liners to fall in love with

Here’s a collection of my all-time favorite one liner jokes in chemistry. Reading through them makes me see the lighter side of chemistry.

Category tech

Markup your text with Markdown

Not all content needs bell and whistles. Notepad style text is boring as well. This is where a formatting standard called Markdown comes to the rescue. Markdown is a simple...

Category music

My musical journey

Elementary School I began my music journey in fourth grade. My school music teacher made the whole class learn the recorder to prepare for fifth grade, where we would be...

Category life

What was that K-6 pin Oppenheimer wore?

That is me, next to my organic chemistry professor Jennie Mayer on Halloween.

My musical journey

Elementary School I began my music journey in fourth grade. My school music teacher made the whole class learn the recorder to prepare for fifth grade, where we would be...

Category chess

Chess Champions

So, my school team competed in the 2023 Washington Mini-Teams chess tournament, and we won! The path to victory was a precarious five-match battle, and I am here to tell...