About hsnberg

Shiv Helium Heisenberg

"Say my name."

Shiv Mehrotra.


I am presently a senior at Interlake High School in Bellevue, Washington. I have a deep interest in science, especially chemistry and physics. This website is a dedication to both subjects. My website's name, hsnberg, is an abridged form of Heisenberg. My chemistry inspiration for Heisenberg comes from Walter White, the main character in Breaking Bad who uses the name Heisenberg as an alias. Now please do not tell me that you have not watched Breaking Bad! My physics inspiration for Heisenberg comes from the physicist Werner Heisenberg, discoverer of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

I use my knowledge of chemistry and physics to innovate and try out new ideas that I occassionally get. I spend most of my time in chemistry and physics either studying or preparing for science competitions (it's my last year in high school, gotta make it count!).

Now, I am not trying to become a chemistry and physics encyclopedia (although I wouldn't complain if I was one). In the disciplines of chemistry and physics lie a few sub-disciplines that are my passions. In chemistry, the sub-disciplines I love are organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, and medicinal chemistry. In physics, the sub-disciplines I love are electromagnetism, nuclear physics, quantum physics, and general and special relativity.

One of my most favorite parts of science is experimentation. I often implement my original ideas in real life, and it is very exciting to see the results (or shortcomings, for that matter) of my work. In chemistry labs, I often either research the properties of different reactions or try to synthesize interesting compounds using my knowledge of chemical reactions. In my physics research, I build strong magnetic fields and find applications for them. However, it often is the case that I will go on a tangent and do cool chemistry and physics tricks!

Apart from chemistry and physics, my hobbies include playing music and chess. I play the piano, western flute, and the Indian flute (called the bansuri). Chess is my favorite board game, with my favorite opening being the Ruy Lopez. I also enjoy traveling around the world. The vacation picture upi see is from my trip to Cancun, Mexico. As I was roaming the narrow streets of Isla Mujeres there was this person with his pet Iguana Bobby. He was more than happy to share Bobby with me for a photograph. I had so many other awesome experiences in this trip!

By the way, I really enjoy sharing my love for chemistry. You can catch me on Chemistry Stack Exchange, Reddit or Brainly responding to threads where I can contribute.

If you enjoy chess, no matter what part of the world you are in, why not play a game with me online on chess.com?

That should be all about hsnberg! Hope you enjoy my website!

Shiv in Cancun (2021)