Chemistry one liners to fall in love with

Here’s a collection of my all-time favorite one liner jokes in chemistry. Reading through them makes me see the lighter side of chemistry.
The one-liners
- If you’re not part of the solution … you’re part of the precipitate.
- Old chemists never die. They just stop reacting!
- Wait, are all these jokes too basic for you? Because I see no reaction.
- Are you made of copper and tellurim? Because you’re CuTe.
- I’d give you some more chemistry jokes, but all the good ones argon.
- Guys, stop it with the puns. We’ve all sulfured enough.
The bar collection
- A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender how much a drink costs.
The bartender says, “For you, no charge.”
- Helium walks into a bar. The bartender says, “We don’t serve noble gasses here.”
Helium doesn’t react.
- Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium, and phosphorous walk into a bar.
“OH SNaP” says the bartender.
- Fluorine and chlorine walk into a bar.
The bartender greets them: “Halo gens”
The Q&A collection
Click on the fuzzed out text below to reveal the answer to the one liners :)
- Know any good chemistry jokes? Na
- Want to hear a joke about nitrogen oxide? NO!
- Want to hear a Potassium joke? K!
- Can you tell me the chemical formula for sodium hypobromite? NaBrO
- What are the elements of life? Lithium and Iron = LiFe
- What do the other elements say about hydrogen? He’s such a loner!
- What kind of fish is made up of only two sodium atoms? 2 Na
- Why are chemists great for solving problems? Because they always have a solution!
- Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK!
- What do you call a plant growing in a lab? A Chemis(tree)
- What is uranium + fluorine + oxygen? UFO
- How do you laugh at a Helium Joke? He He He
- How often should you tell a chemistry joke? Periodically.
Finally, a classic video that never gets old
Disclaimer: Do not do this in your chemistry lab though.